I am kitty the great from Southern Maryland.  I'm leader of this great group and I love to write about anything!

My name is Mewsette, and I am 17 years old, but I don't look a day over 7, as you can see. This is a brand new picture of me! I am Queen in my home and always have been. I was born in Texas but I loved living in the Ozark Mountains the best. That was what inspired me to write poetry, which was how I started writing. I've been in CLAW over 4 years now, and I'd rather write than eat, but my first love is still poetry. I share my Queendom with my human Mom and my little sisfur, Phelicity. (No matter what Phelicity says, remember who I said is Queen.) We girls get along quite well, now that there are only the two of us left.

I've really enjoyed being in Writers Society ever since it was established, and it was here that I first tried my paw at writing a fiction. That wasn't something I thought I'd like, but I did like it! This is one of my fafurite places to be!

My name is Phelicity Marie Dauphine, but I just go by Phelicity. I just had my 11th birthday! My mom can hardly believe how old I got, cause I've always been the baby of the family. I'm furry little, too, so that doesn't help. I just weigh 6½ pounds. But I am wise and mature! I am! There were 5 of us kitties when I joined my family, but there are only my sisfur Mewsette and me now. She says she is Queen around here. But I'll tell mew a secret- shhh! It's really me.

I've been in CLAW since I was 7, and I learned everything I know there. I was furry shy back then, but I'm not any more! I just joined Writers Society recently cause my sisfur has always loved it and now I do, too. I like to write poetry, and write about real things, and I love to teach. I nefur tried a fiction, but I might someday now!

I am Leo and live in England with my devoted slave,my mummy, Queenie, sister Josephine and friend Ginger. Cats in England have lots of fun as the law protects our right to keep our claws and most of us are free to come and go as we please,so if our slaves prove less than devoted ,we can look for a better one ! I am a clever kitty who loves being in CLAW, especially the Writer's Society as my devoted Slave has ambitions to be a writer. I think being a Cheshire cat helps as I don't live very far from where Louis Carrol was born, so we Cheshire cats have a famous writer to inspire us!

My name is Henri of Twin Brook, the cat formally known as Happy. Before I became a resident of Twin brook, which was about six years ago, I had been a street cat living out of garbage cans. When possible I caught mice and other small rodents for breakfast, lunch and dinner. As I grew older, hunting became quite an ordeal. My legs ached and I developed frequent headaches. My paws no longer had the strength or swiftness to field a mouse. The arrival of other cats in the neighborhood also made hunting more difficult as the felines had the youth and skill I sorely lacked. One day, I approached some pleasant appearing humans and with all my guile and charm, I persuaded them to let me join their household. This was a very bold move for a cat who had little trust in humans. They liked me, especially the female human. Soon I was a member of the household, sharing meals, the sofa and the bed. I was elated with joy! It was within these walls that I met Desdemona, famous cat author and member of Claw and Cats In Space. At night,she spent many hours on the computer, writing and composing letters. Curious, I asked her to teach me the rudiments of writing and photography, another of her many talents. When Desdemona died, last May, 2002, I was heartbroken. My spirits were shattered. Slowly, I began to sit at the computer, pretending to write great stories as Desdemna had done. I could hear her soft purrs and meows, coaxing me on. I joined Claw and Cats In Space and with beating heart, sumitted a short story. I was published. The rest is history.....

My name is Maggie and I haff one brother and he is also in CLAW. I luff to eat and greet people when they come to visit. I am a very friendly kitty and I am not shy at all. I love getting my pictures taken, I am a real ham. My hoomans saved me from being put down. I only had one day to left to live. I was at this awful pound in a big cage. I love them and I believe every one should adopt at least one kitty (if not more) from a shelter or pound. I will turn 3 in July 2003.

This is the first picture my new meowmie has taken of me. My name is Fern, and I am five years old. My sisfur, Maddie, and I were just adopted from the MSPCA. She is also five. Right now I am reeling from being uprooted from my home, being in the noisy shelter and trying to settle into my new home with my new meowmie and the d*g, Maggie. I've always felt creative and the recent angst in my life should help the ideas flow. Being a bit of a meower, I love language and hope to put the same enthusiasm into writing as I put into being vocal. I am so very excited at becoming a member of CLAW and the Writer's Society that I feel almost like breaking into a loud meow, but I'll save my strength for the blank page.

I am a pure white cat with odd eyes, one blue and one greenish-yellow. I joined CLAW in 1999. The vet guessed my age when I came here as about 2 or 3 years old so I am around 7 now. My age is a mystery but I am very sweet and gentle and it has been my task to mentor all the many (MANY) cats that have come to live here after me. Many of my siblings are in CLAW now also. I lead the Historical/Victorian Cat Society and I am the Dean of the College of Human Studies. I belong to Cats in Space, where I am a Captain, and I am in Cats Who Live With Dogs. I also hold a Doctorate at the PSP School of Graphics and the College of Ethics, some Master's degrees and I am in the Phi Betta Katta Society. I try to set a good example for the other kitties.

I own 11 Pekingese dogs, two birds and a guinea pig. We live in rural Oklahoma. I was abandoned in the city and selected my Meowmie from a perch atop a wall in the parking lot where she worked. She looked gullible and said, "Hi Kitty,Kitty" so I knew I HAD her. I have never been afraid of the dust mops...er...Pekes and I found out she wouldn't let me dispose of the birds so I am OK with that.

Greetings, fellow feline writers. My name is Sinead O'Kitty, and I'm a 7-year-old black spayed female cat. I live with my identical twin sister Siouxsie Mew, and my devoted servant, Mama. Siouxsie and I have been writing a cat advice column called Paws and Effect, which appears every week on a community website called villagesoup.com. We also have our very own LiveJournal at http://www.livejournal.com/users/paws_and_effect. We announce our new columns every week in our LiveJournal and Mama even puts a link so people can just click and go right to the articles.

I enjoy writing, giving advice, cuddling in Mama's lap, sleeping under blankets, purring, catnip, being petted, being petted some more, eating turkey, playing with my Red String Of Death, and watching shows about birds on TV.

Hi everyone .. I am Gypsy aka Witchy Cat.. and this is my FAVOURITE picture of me. Why you ask?? Because I am in MY garden..and I love my garden. A little background.. I am a small, beautiful, and modest, burmese choc tortie.. I am 7 years old and moved into my new home here on 22nd of December, 2003. I used to be a breeding queen .. which is why I am so regal.. but now I am queen of this place (place not palace ..mol). I have one cat subject who is my loyal follower ..(sheesh he follows me EVERYWHERE).. Fleabag .. some of you may know him, a dog subject.. Missy and a human subject.. ( I like her the best so far ) My favourite things are ..my garden ..duh!, moths ..oh I adore moths, lizards .. and I'm only new at lizards.... and watching birds ... and running as fast as I can in any direction.. Thanks for your attention. I hope to meet you all in the future.

I am Boomer, a handsome kitty (or at least they say!)) who was born July 4th, 2000. I love to write and help others. I only use cat speak sometimes. I have a special angel birthmark on my back! I love my Meowmie!