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A New Beginning

By Nikki and Nichie

Fluffy and Micky were two fast friends that did everything together. They joined clubs together, played together, ate together and were both very social cats. But the thing was that these two never knew how to say no. What that meant was no matter what anyone asked or what anyone wanted them to do, they would do it even though they may or may not have been happy about it.

One day just before the new year, Fluffy said to Micky, "do you really like doing all the things we always do? Honestly??"

And Micky answered, "no, not really, but I like being with you and since you like doing these activities, I will do them too."

Fluffy laughed and said, "but Micky I do them because you do not because I really want to either."

Fluffy told Micky, "you know, we really need to communicate how we feel to each other and be honest and upfront about our feelings. This just shows you how both of us have been complying with the other because we did not communicate. So, let's make a new beginning. Let's from this day on, tell each other how we feel and not be afraid that the other will be hurt. What do you think Micky?"

Micky looked at Fluffy and said, "you are right! Communication is the key to happiness. Sure, we will from now on not assume but say what we really feel."

And from that day forward, both close friends became even closer because not only did they enjoy each other's company, but they had a true bond of friendship - they could share their hearts.

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Sunday, 04-May-2003 22:06:00 EDT