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Celebrating Holidays
By Taurus
My family does all kinds of nice things during the Holidays in November
and December. Meowmie makes all kinds of foods and baked goods. They
always have company over too. I like that part since I crave attention!
The humans that visit always just love me and they pet me and spoil me and
that part is the best! Another nice thing is meowmie always gets me new
toys and treats during the Holidays too. We celebrate Thanksgiving in
November, Christmas, Hannukah, and New Years in December. It is a very
hectic and busy time for the humans.
My meowmie also puts up some really nice decorations around the house. The
decorations usually get me into trouble though. I tend to pull them down
and try and chew them all. This makes meowmie rather mad at me!
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Sunday, 04-May-2003 22:05:22 EDT