CLAW Summer Camp Diary

by Phelicity

Day 1

We arrived wif our bestest furriends today and set up our tents in the purrtiest camp site we saw! It's so nice here, I'm glad we was early. There's hundreds of kitties around now. Oh my, I hope there's enough food! It was raining off and on. I chased a duck and fell inna puddle. So long as I was wet anyway, I went fur a boat ride. What a purrty lake! My date made the boat tip ofur and I lost my hat, then he had the nerve to ask me why I was wet! I left him there and went to find my sisfur. She's easy to find, she's always at the nipzbeer station. The sun finally came out to set in time fur the hayride, and that was fun! My date gave me a flower, so I guess I forgived him. I ate it, I was hungry. Tonight we all went to the Cookout. They had whole lotsa good food, but whole lotsa kitties, too. At least we got dinner.

Day 2

I had fun this morning at the Creepy Crawlie hunts! I found the cutest caterpillars and a few good snacks, too. I only got lost in the bushes once. I went hiking wif some kitties, till we got into stickers. Then Ginger and me went berry-pickin and I got my paws all purple and I can't find my kitty talcum. We smelled hotdogs ofur at the Writer Kitties campfire, so we all went there and had the bestest time! We sang campfire songs and told ghost stories, and sang some more! And toasted mushmellers, but I wish I hadn't got the tip of my tail so close to the campfire! My heart-throbby was there. I sang to him, I Gave My Love a Cricket. He liked it. No, it wasn't my boat-ride date.

Day 3

I got to go on butterfly hunts today! That was heaps of fun cept I couldn't catch any and I lost my camera. My furriend Ginger and I volunteered in the Nurse Station there, too. When we ran outta bandaids and tea, we sent the ouchie kitties ofur to the First Aid cabin. I sure got itchy myself. And they ran outta hotdogs here, too. So we went and collected my sisfur from the nipzbeer station and E.T. from the hammock and tonight we all went to the Midway. That was fun! We went on some fun rides and threw balls at a d*g till he fell in the water. Best of all, we found a place wif food there! Yay!

Day 4

It's the 4th of July! How come there's no fireworks stands? There's lotsa birds around here, and we was bird, watchin.. all day, but they sure are hard to catch! We did get lotsa feathers. Then we went fishin to get some dinner - I was starffing. I caught a cute liddle fish all by myself! (Well, E.T. baited my hook, I doesn't like slimy stuff.) We ate all the big ones. My fish is too liddle to eat, so I got him in a bucket of water. His name is Boodles. I'm gonna take him home wif me. Tonight we all sang Yankee Doodle, and got drums and noisemakers, and started a parade. We had a good time makin whole lotsa noise! Yay Independence!

Day 5

Sisfur went off tracking somethin, so I went back to the beautifur green river and waterfalls at the Nature Retreat. I almost caught that duck this time! Nefur could catch any birds and couldn't find any picnics, either! I'm hungry, I want somethin to eat! Sisfur found a muskrat. I asked her could we eat it, but she said no, it was big and had scarey teeth. She was goin fishin again, but I'm tired of boats, I just got dry. I went to the Office and got me a Tshirt, but it's too long fur me. I'll cut off the bottom. Then I went back to the Welcome cabin, they got cell phones there! So I called and ordered 6 big cheesy anchovy pizzas delivered. Boy, was I popular tonight!

Day 6

I was lonesome fur my mom, so I went to the Camp Post Office to send her a postcard, and guess what! She'd sent care packages there fur my sisfur and me! Mine had two cans of my veal pate' and my kitty talcum, oh thank goodness! Cause I fell in the lake chasin a bird on the way ofur, and lost my last camp hat. Sisfur was helping in the Lost and Found there and they had the hat I lost at the hayride, anyway. Then we joined some other kitties singin songs at a diffurnt campfire fur a liddle while, but they didn't haf any food there. But my furriends caught some fish and we cooked that and toasted more mushmellers at our own campsite. I sat inna hammock wif my heart-throbby tonight. shhhh.

Day 7

Well, we found a few cold shrimps at the Cookout place, a few mushmellers and a moth or two. I found the caterpillar I lost in my fur, but I can't eat that, it looks like a hairball. We went to look at the frogs, but I don't want one. I'm a civilized kitty, I got limits. Efurry kitty we know was already out fishin in boats and scarin the fish. I guess mew know Boodles isn't gonna make it home wif me, sigh. We went back down to the Nature Retreat when the sun was setting. It was sooo purrty, but I still can't find that duck. I ate some flowers. It was a luffly efening fur visiting wif furriends and mewing about what all we did. Then I came in my tent and wrote my diary by a firefly in a jar. I almost ate it. But I needed the light.

Sisfur says Camp is ofur and we're goin home tomorrow. I've had a great time, and whole lotsa fun, but I'm ready to go home now. I'm hungry!
