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My Halloween Story

By Mewsette

I live in a very quiet house, and I like it that way. I am a longhaired calico cat, and the Queen of my home. If any noise is being made, I want to make it. If we need music, I have a very fine singing voice, thank you. I don't care for company, and we don't have much. I'm sure that is because I made my wishes known. If company does come, I simply retire under the bed until they have the good sense to leave.

Sometimes a human will knock on our door. It always startles me. The only human I want to see is my mom. So I look to see what they want, as long as it isn't to come in my house. Sometimes they just want to give my mom a package, so that's okay. Sometimes they have to come into my house and fix something. I can live with that, if they don't take too long. Sometimes they want to sell something, and I tell my mom to send them on their way. She has me; what else could she need?

Well, when I was a mere kitten, I found out there was one night of the year that's different! On that night little humans! - my least favorite kind! - come knocking on the door. There are bunches of them, all dressed up in strange costumes! All evening they come knocking! Every few minutes, more of them knocking! I spend my whole evening startled out of my kitty skin, until I am a nervous wreck! Everyone knows calico cats are high-strung. Why must I tolerate this?

The strange part is that my mom is standing there being nice to them, and giving them treats out of a big bowl. Now I ask you! I try to tell her she is only encouraging them. She just smiles at me and tells me not to worry, that it is only for one night. They call that night Halloween. Well, I can do without it, thank you. But something tells me it's coming again very soon! Eeek!

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Sunday, 04-May-2003 22:04:57 EDT