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My Greatest Influence

By Mewsette

The greatest influence on me of my life, all my life, has been my own furmother. Her name is BamBam, and she is 19 years old, and she is still here with me. She cared for me nearly all my life, until she became too old and tired. Now I care for her however I can. I'm a bit tired myself; we are no spring kittens. I was lucky, because I was born to her right in our home 15 1/2 years ago, and I have had her by my side all my life. How few cats are so blessed!

Everything I know about being a cat I learned from my furmother. I was a great huntress in my youth, because she taught me so well. I was a loving sisfur to my brofurs when they were alive, because she taught me. I can comfort my human mom and help her through bad times, because BamBam taught me. I am always perfectly groomed, perfectly behaved, and elegant, because she taught me. I learned about closeness and trust from her. I was a pretty wild kitten, and my furmother despaired of me sometimes, but her influence and example were so good that I turned out perfect, of course. And the main thing she taught me was about loving.

You see, I have a human Mom too, who adores and worships me completely. I love her with all my heart, and I show her how much every day. I've loved other cats, but my mom is the only human I ever loved. She tells me I am her very heart, and I understand that. My furmother is so tired and so small, smaller than me now. I can't imagine not having her next to me, but that day will come. She has prepared me, and I know my human mom will be here for me always.

But I am a total Cat, and only a cat, like my furmother, could really influence me in the ways of being Cat. So I am proud to say she is the greatest influence of my life.

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Sunday, 04-May-2003 22:04:52 EDT