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By SassyJazmine

The kitty that influenced me the most in my short life would be Jazzy Taylor. She wins that honor hands down.

She was there for me from day one, and I do mean day one. That is how old I was when I came to my humans house to live. My mofur died when I was born, and my new meowmie brought me home is a shoe box. I was wrapped up in a receiving blanket, and curled up in a tiny ball in one corner of it. I was very, very small because I was born 2 weeks premature, but Jazzy took me to heart and decided to make me into a real CLAW kitty.

I can't say how successful she was, but it sure was a fun trip. I was so sad when she went to the rainbow bridge, God must have needed a very special kitty. So now I have to always try to do what I hope would please my Sweet Jazzy, so I can always remember her with a smile on her face.

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Sunday, 04-May-2003 22:04:51 EDT