Queen Midnight

by Twinkles

The cats of CLAW have a kindly queen,
A very special kitty,
Her fur is black but her heart is white,
She rules over CLAW Cat City,
She gave us an education,
Colleges filled with books,
She taught us how to purr and serve,
And how to rule with looks,
Queen Midnight is our sovereign queen,
Ruling all we see,
Without her help and guidance,
I know I would not be,
A cat who cares and knows so much,
So to her I say,
Thank mew for providing me,
A place to learn and play!
I bow with much respect to mew,
Grateful for the work mew do,
Where would I be without my CLAW,
I'd be so lost and blue.
Let us all give thanks for CLAW,
A place where we can grow,
A place to meet and mew and work,
A nicer club I'll never know!
