Meowing In

by Lady Blue

The Honorable cat shivered as she opened the great door to the Meowing In room. Her coat glistened. Her ears, whiskers, and paw pads were scrubbed clean. As she approached her noble Queen, her heart pounded in her chest. Never had she been so close to this marvelous creature before. The royal ebony Queen bade her to come closer. The Honorable cat's paws barely touched the soft red velvet carpet as she made her way up to the throne.

"I am just a humble kitty, Your Majesty. But what I am, what I do for CLAW I now give to you as a token of my love, loyalty, and liege," the lowly kitty said as she bowed once again, her paws and tail tucked under her body. Her head, too, was lowered in supplication.

"Oh, small one," the Queen said. "You are indeed an Honorable kitty. What you do for CLAW pleases us very much. We accept your gifts. Your willingness to always help when needed shows your spirit is indeed that of CLAW."

Then the great Queen stood and walked down from her throne. "Now stand up, little one, and receive this medallion as a gift for your true and faithful service to your Queen," she said.

The kitty rose as the Queen of CLAW placed a large golden medallion hanging from two red velvet ribbons over her head. So in awe was she, as she backed away, all she could do was whisper, "Thank you, thank you." Then she turned and scurried out of the room anxious to tell the other kitties all that had happened.
