Bootes - The Bear Driver

by Kitty the Great

I decided to do my essay on Bootes (that should have two little dots ofur the 2nd "o" but I don't know how to do that.) Bootes, (translated means the Bear Driver) also known as the Hearder hangs out in the sky with (guess) Ursa Major and Ursa Minor! He is most visible in the sky in JUNE. (not May - it's not MY fault you all took the best May constellations...) His hounds, Canes Venatici, ARE best spotted in May though... so it still counts!

Bootes is considered to be the most ancient constellation in the sky, and was referred to by Homer in "The Odyssey" nearly 3 millenia ago. Bootes circles the Bears, ( the Ursa boys) around the North Pole. It is his job to keep the celestial beasts together.

One legend about Bootes is that he was the son of Zeus and Callista. Hera changed Callista into a bear who was almost KILLED by Bootes when he was out hunting. Good thing Zeus rescued her and hung her up in the sky to be Ursa Major. I guess that means that Bootes is guarding his mom forever more!

The brightest star in this constellation is Arcturas, which also means Bear Guard. And when I come back in my NEXT lifetime, I'm gonna be NAMED Arcturas! ( I would be named Bootes - but I bet I'd end up Bootsy! )
