
by Chloe

The constellation Centaurus has been called "The Jewel of the Southern Sky," and represents Chiron, the Centaur. In Greek mythology Centaurs have been described as barbarous, warlike, immortal beasts, half men, half horses. Unlike other Centaurs, Chiron was very wise and was said to have tutored Hercules (a Greek hero born to a human woman whose father was Zeus) and Jason (the Greek hero who recovered the Golden Fleece). Unfortunately, Hercules accidently shot Chiron with a poisoned arrow. Seeing Chiron suffering, and in great pain, Hercules begged the gods to let Chiron die. Zeus took pity on the magnificent Centaur, allowed him to die and placed him among the stars.

Centaurus is the ninth largest constellation and contains two of the ten brightest stars, Alpha and Beta Centauri. Alpha Centauri is the star closest to the sun (4.3 light years), contains the largest globular cluster ( Omega Centauri, larger than the full moon) and has it's own meteor shower (the alpha Centaurids, best seen in early February). Beta Centauri is a blue-white super giant.

In about 4000 years, the motion of Alpha Centauri will carry it close enought to Beta Centauri for them to appear to be a magificent "double star." Currently they appear as two eyes, with Beta being the bluer eye. Alpha and Beta Centauri are called "pointer stars" as they point to the Southern Cross to the West. Some Australian aboriginals call them "Two Men Who Once Were Lions," while others call them "The Twins That Created the World."

Centaurus is a magnificent sight on a balmy spring evening (culminating on March 30th) or a pleasant fall evening if you are lucky enough to live in the Southern Hemisphere.
