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My New Friend

By Gizmo

Ah so summer is here once again with its heat and rain. I hate it but what can you do but live with it and all of the things that go along with that time of year.

I am a cat named Horace and I live alone in a nice house with a loving family. Thank goodness I am an only kitty and no rivalry here. Nice and peaceful and quiet and I get all the attention.

Lately I have been noticing some odd things though. For example when my food is placed in my bowl if I go and take a nap when I come back my food is gone. It also seems something is going on with my water bowl too. I can swear someone is drinking my water. Then there are these sounds I hear. I hear panting, a low growl or moan not quite sure what is happening. I am a little concerned though that something or someone is near me and my family. I keep a watchful eye open at all times. It is making me rather upset. I have been trying to figure out what or who this is.

I came up with an idea to try and hide in a corner and remain awake to catch whoever is around here and bring him/her to the humans once and for all. I will make believe I am asleep so it will be pretty easy to do as long as it is not something that will scare me to death and send me running! Well, you won't believe what I found. Turns out all the racket was coming from a homeless dog. He is all alone with no place to go and he is hungry. I couldn't very well turn him away so now we have become friends and I give him food and he hangs out with me very often. Believe me I am not thrilled about having this d*g around but as long as the humans don't know what will it hurt. I am still KING!!!!!

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Sunday, 04-May-2003 22:03:46 EDT