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Summer Mystery
By Playful
It was a hot summer night. The humans were sweating, and turned the air conditioning up to its fullest.
It was so hot, that even a cat would not want to go out. Well, I didn’t. And I am a super sleuth as well as a wild cat that likes to be outside. My name is Spade, and I am black as the ace of spades.
I would not have gone out for anything, except somehow, all the fish was missing from our store. We had one major store in this little town. But fish was always in their refridgerated cases. The lack of fish was….a tragedy!!!
OK, maybe, it wasn’t a tragedy, but it sure was a mystery. And a pretty feline had sauntered into my home…eh, I mean office. Did you know I had an office? I didn’t until this femme feline fatale sauntered…ok, so maybe she slinked, into my territory. All I know is that she had big green eyes and she wanted to know why there was no fish in the store.
I told her that for one fish of any kind, let me tell mew, wif her eyes, I would have settled fur a goldfish, I would look into it.
She left, apparently content with my purrmise. And I was left with the memory of her fluffy tail…so enticing!
. . .Nefur mind, I had a case to work on. Where had the fish gone?
I had to snoop around the store…where were the fish? I climbed ofur the fish counter to the cash register. I was going to track down any culprits! And do mew know what made the job easier?
The one thing that helped me was a cashier who liked to talk. Mew know the kind. And it nefur occurred to her that a cat listening would be a witness. OK, so what did I know?
I knew people who sell fish. So this was where I started my search for the missing fish.
Thank heavens I had a good cat nose. I could smell fish and fishi-ness. Someone was holding out. Someone had to know somefing. I snuck ofur to the managers office and unnoticed planted myself under his desk. In 15 minutes my move paid off. If the manager didn’t know what was going on, who would? I heard him on the phone to his delivery man. The truck and broken down that carried fish to the store. As soon as it was repaired or replaced he would head on to our fishless town. Hopefully, the truck had maintained enough cold air that the fish wouldn’t spoil.
“Hey, I’ll be over with some ice and coolers to save what is left of the fish,” the manager said to the delivery driver on the phone. “And we may as well keep this mum, no reason to alarm anyone.”
I ran ofur to my purrty feline client to report my findings, and she rewarded me wif a head butt and licking behind my ears. She efen asked me ofur later furom some fish!
I was a happy cat!
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Sunday, 04-May-2003 22:03:23 EDT