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My Very Favorite Animal
By Mewsette
I knew immediately what my favorite has to be! My very favorite animal is
the Siberian tiger. He is huge, weighing as much as several hundred
pounds, not little like me, but he is still a cat! He's a very wild cat
and very ferocious. I never saw one in person, and I know I would be
terrified if I did, but oh, it would be an awesome sight!
The Siberian, so I read, will not normally kill a human like the Bengal
tiger sometimes does, so he must be nicer. But he is swift and powerful
and easily catches large game. I have seen pictures of him, and he is so
beautiful! And I am proud to even be very distantly related to such a
magnificant wildcat. His paws look bigger than my head and his ropey tail
looks longer than all of me together, including my tail.
He lives wild and free, but he doesn't have an easy life like I do.
Still, I wonder what it would be like to hunt with him, and I wonder if
his orange stripey fur is soft like mine. He can certainly roar much
louder than any cat I ever heard! And oh my, what huge scary fangs he has!
What wonderful deep golden eyes! I think cats are the most beautiful of
all creatures, of course, but this beautiful tiger is my favorite of all.
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Saturday, 03-May-2003 00:29:00 EDT