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Ant Story
By Nikita la Femme
Perhaps I should start at the beginning. I vaguely remember laying
around and eating, then suddenly, I was aware!
I looked around, it was really dark, and I thought
"Where am I?"
I noticed some forms moving in the distance, and wondered who they
were, and what were they doing. One of them seemed to drop something, and
it rolled toward me. As the form came nearer, I noticed that it was thin,
with what appeared to be three small balls hooked together. It had a
triangular shaped head with two bent antenna moving around, protruding
from it's head. And it had 3 pairs of jointed legs!
I summoned up my courage and yelled, "Hey Buddy,
where are we?" He whistles a reply.
"What's an ant colony?"...more whistles.
"Why am I here?"...whistle, whistle.
"What do you mean, I'm an ant!" whistle.
Well this strange conversation seemed to be getting me nowhere, even
though I could understand the strange whistles, so I stood up and walked
towards the busy tunnel.
The forms...er, ants....were everywhere! There
seemed to be an endless parade of them going down the tunnel carryng
things, and another endless line of them heading up the tunnel,
I decided to join the ones going up the tunnel,
and soon found myself in a chamber where more ants were digging another
After another "whistle" conversation I learned
that these were worker ants, and they were busy digging, gathering food,
tending to the young, and taking care of the Queen ant.
I was really depressed. Had I awakened to a
world where I would do nothing but work and work my entire short life?
Seemed pretty sad to me. But, none of the other ants seemed to be unhappy,
and strangely enough, no one told me to get to work!
Then to my surprise, I noticed that I had little
wings!! And I was a little bigger than the other ants!
I am a young Queen!!!
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Saturday, 03-May-2003 00:29:00 EDT