Meowmie's Best Present

by Dim Sim

Well, I was running out of time with this one, so I thought I would ask me meowmie! What is the best present she has efur received? Well, she likes all of her presents, but she thinks the best things she efur got were us, who were presents from the great unifurse! We didn't come on special occassion days, just normal days when she suddenly found herself purrsented with anothfur kitty (or in the case of Spock, the day she picked up her bird). She got Spock (our bird brofur) in January, 1993, Possum (our kitty brofur) in November, 1994, me in March 2000, Gizmo in May 2001 and Sahara in May 2003. I think it is obvious why we are the best things she efur was given!

On a more materialistic note, our meowmie isn't sure which of her more conventional presents have been the best she's efur gotten. Her ex-boyfriend almost got her a cello once, which most likely would have won! But he didn't, so that didn't happen. Most recently, she loves her DVD player, which she got fur her 22nd birthday in November this year. She is a huge Buffy fan, and she has since been able to get all the Buffy DVDs, and loves to watch them hour after hour. Fur her 21st birthday, in November 2002, she was given some gift vouchers which enabled her to purrchase her furry furst bottle of her furry fafurite perfume, Issey Miyake, so that was quite special too.
