The Gift of Angel

by Phelicity

I nefur tried an interview, but I figured my sisfur Mewsette would be a good one because she talks soooo much. When I asked her purrlitely if she'd give me an interview about the best gift she efur got she mewed yes, she would, but her best gifts have been circumstances rather than things, like a sardine or a mousie. Gifts such as finding our mom and home when she was lost at 8 years old, or such as her illness being under control so well that she rarely feels bad and enjoys every day. It's kinda hard fur me to press her further, because she's taller than me; also she gives me her "I am Queen" look or else goes to sleep. She is purrty old.

So I took advantage when our neighbor came ofur. Our neighbor loves me; I always mew purrlitely wif her and give her head bonks. She's a cat lady, too, and mew know how much they talk! She's not a family member, but I don't haf many of those around. Her name is Grace, and I asked her could I interview her about her furry best gift.

Grace: Well, sweetie, I'm even older than your mommy, so I've had so many wonderful gifts in my life, I couldn't think of just one.

Phelicity: Well then, what's the best gift mew got in the last year or two maybe?

Grace: Oh, that would be Angel.

Phelicity: Angel, your kitty that my mom went ofur there to feed when mew went on a trip? And Mom came back smelling like her? pfft.

Grace: Yes, that's the one. It was the same month your mommy lost her BamBam. She wasn't feeling normal, and she worried about your sister, who was grieving so badly. I didn't have any kitty then. I always loved kitties, but I didn't want the responsibility, because I travel around sometimes.

Phelicity: How did mew get Angel? Who gave her to mew?

Grace: Why sweetie, your mommy did.

Phelicity: Whaaat?

Grace: That's right. I came over to tell her I heard a kitten crying under her shed. We went out there, and sure enough, not one kitten but two were under it. Your mommy laid on the ground a long time getting those kittens coaxed out of there. And their mother was nowhere to be seen. We watched for days, and she never came back for them.

Phelicity: But there were two kittens?

Grace: Yes, and my daughter came over just as the first one got out. She feeds and fosters feral kittens, so I had called her. She took that one while your mommy got the second one out. Then I said, "Oh how nice, you'll have a new kitten to take the place of BamBam." Well, that wasn't wise. Your mommy started to cry, shook her head no, and gave the kitten to me. That kitten was Angel.

Phelicity: Did mew take her in your house?

Grace: No, my daughter took both of them home with her. But first that little Angel clung to me and tugged at my heart so much, that I went to my daughter's house a few days later and said I knew Angel was mine. I brought her home, and she has been my Angel ever since. What a precious gift she was!

Phelicity: Oh thank mew fur telling me that story. I am so glad mew got Angel fur your gift.

Then I went to find my sisfur to tell her the story. But she was asleep. So nobody heard it yet but me. It's my furry own.
