Sitting all day and night in a cage with my sisfur, Maddie, in the front of the shelter near the door was what our lives had become. My sisfur and I were homeless and both of us being five years old didn’t make for a hopeful future. We felt abandoned and knew what bleak meant, but soon we would learn about opportunity, and I want to share with you during this season of love and hope exactly what I learned. Late one afternoon, a week after our arrival, we were removed from the cage, jabbed with needles, computer-chipped, put in a carrier and driven in a car all of which added more to our fears and worry, as if being abandoned hadn’t been enough to bear. Little did I realize I was being given the gift of that opportunity I’ve already mentioned to you: my sisfur and I were being adopted and on our way home. Someone had given us the opportunity to be together, to be warm, full-bellied and, most of all, loved. I had learned opportunity was a chance. If I could, I would put opportunity in a huge box covered in brightly colored paper and tied in curled ribbons. I would present it to any living creature needing a chance, any kind of a chance which would make life better. What a wonderful gift to give: hope wrapped in opportunity.