Best Gift Effur Recieved: Fafur's Fafurite

by Tramp Pawpette Purr

Tramp: Purrs, Fafur, how are mew tonight?

Fafur: Oh, good. Say, when did you learn to talk?

Tramp: Well, ah haff always known how tah talk, but ah like tah sleep offur talkin'.

Fafur: Sounds reasonable.

Tramp: Anymews, ah haff an assignment tah find out a family membah's fafurite gift uff all time.

Fafur: Cats have assignments?

Tramp: Why yes! Its fuh a cl...err imaginary class ah'm in. (whew that was close!)

Fafur: Wow, ok. Fire away.

Tramp: What was meyahs most fafurite gift uff all time?

Fafur: That's easy.

Tramp: (Puffs out chest) Yesh?

Fafur: Eve

Tramp: (sputter) WHAT?!

Fafur: Well, you're her gift, but if you were mine I would most certainly pick you.

Tramp: Oh, ok. (purr) Well, why is Meowmie such a wonderfuh gift?

Fafur: Because I love her, and she's the most important thing to me.

Tramp: (sputter)

Fafur: You're her gift, remember?

Tramp: (sputter)

Fafur: (sigh)


Fafur: (avoiding spit and flying hairballs) uhh... I don't think this is a good idea, sweety...

Tramp: (collects self) So, when did mew get meowme?

Fafur: I went to Seattle on a big plane to meet her, because we had been friends for a long time over the computer. She had come down to Dallas to meet me, shortly before, but I wanted to see what her life was like. Well, we had such a wonderful time together, that she packed up and moved down just in time for my Christmas present!

Tramp: (paws away a tear) Aww... One last question...

Fafur: Mmhmm?

Tramp: What's mewr fafurite thing about her?

Fafur: Her wonderful personality.

Tramp: Mew! Purrrr purr mewwww!

Fafur: I'm sorry, I didn't quite understand that, Tramp.

Tramp: (curls up and goes to sleep with a little wink)

Fafur: Women... (sighs and chuckles)
