Women I Admire
by Jewels Meow Cat
I decided I would pick the women healers of the 1600’s who were often called witches and had many cat friends. something furry tragic occurred. Here is part of the story In the late 1600's in Europe doctors were discovering a lot about the workings of the human body, the circulation of the blood for example. They felt that old ideas of how the body worked were archaic and wanting more power they decided to blame these women. They had the support of the clergy of the church and so began the movement to take healing out of the hands of the women which eventually lead to the burning of what is estimated to be millions of women herbal healers and midwives”.Cats at that time were often called familiars. “Some witches were convicted of calling upon their familiars if a fly landed on them. Often, the familiars were murdered along with their witches, leading to the deaths of millions upon millions of animal, especially cats. Ironically, the senseless killing of so many cats is what made the Black Plague so successful.” Yet these women continued to heal and help those in need. It is for this reason we should remember the heroic activity of these women and never forget their death and the death and torture of their animals so we don’t let history repeat itself. Meowmie says it already is but I dream of world where we can live in peace. Imagine.