National Panic Day
by Gypsy
Well although I am not one to be easily rattled when I heard it was National Panic Day I wondered how I should react in honour of the day. I guessed that in order to mark the day we should all panic to the best of our ability.I decided my preferred way to panic would be to march panicking down our main street. I contacted all the local groups and suggested that we should have floats and marchers and people riding pennyfarthing bikes and .....well whatever they thought was appropriate. It was taking a LOT of organization and as the day grew closer I could almost relate to people who DO panic.
My heart was in my throat and every noise made me jump ..which made everyone else jump. The phone would ring and I KNEW it was another problem with the march...... A car would pull up outside and I knew it was one of the groups with a question that I didn't know the answer to. The policevan would drive by and I knew they missed my place and wanted to tell me permission had been withdrawn. Within days I was a nervous wreck....and to make it worse the weather forecast was for galeforce winds and torrential rain... A letter came from the council who needed to close off the roads for our march and I didn't want to open it in case it was bad news.....
and went ....
and was a terrible flop.. NO-ONE panicked .. the weather was perfect, the roads were closed by the council, and loads of people turned up, we all laughed and joked and ate sausage sandwiches and enjoyed the effort we had all put in to this march.I'm not sure whether I celebrated National Panic Day or not is strange sometimes.....
Gypsy O'Fluff