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Summer Holiday

By Nikki

A summer holiday where I live, is, of course, a trip to Disney World in Orlando, Florida.

Disney World is a huge, phenomenal development of parks including the Original Disney World, Epicot and Animal Kingdom.

Because there is so much to cover in all areas of Disney World, I will just focus on the Original Disney World Park that is comprised of Fantasyland, Futureland and Adventureland. Each of these sections within the park has many attractions for kids of all ages!

Within Fantasyland, my favorite ride is It's a Small World. Here you will see robotic children from all cultures from all over the world. You sit in a small boat and take the ride throughout the Small World attraction. It is a delightfully colorful, whimsical and fanciful adventure! I just love it!

At Futureland, most people love to take Space Mountain. This is a very fast, bumpy and scary ride. It can be described as riding a roller coaster through outer space. And it is so dark inside, too! I have only been on this ride one time and believe me, once is enough!

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Saturday, 03-May-2003 00:26:56 EDT