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Holiday Time
by Gizmo
The Holiday that comes first into my mind is July 4th. I must say I dread
this Holiday every year. I am a very sensitive kitty and therefore I get
very upset. For those of you not familiar with July Fourth lets just say
it is very noisy and very painful to my sensitive kitty ears.
It is the day when we celebrate our Independence and the USA's Birthday as
they say. It is a pretty holiday though especially when the sky lights up
with all the nice colors and all but it is awfully loud. Those fireworks
and firecrackers make such a big booming sound. I just hate it. I always
run for cover and hide.
The humans seem to like it. They watch the skies light up and they tend to
eat a lot. The only good thing I can say about this Holiday is that the
barbeques sure do smell good!!!!!!
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Saturday, 03-May-2003 00:27:36 EDT