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Roman Holiday

by Maggie

My very favorite summer holiday is my Birthday! On Aug. 1, I will be 2 years old. There is a lot to celebrate this year too because this marks my first year with my wonderful family too. For my birthday I gets treats and gifts and lots of attention. I get all that anyway but seems more on my birthday. They even sing me a song just for me with my name in it and everything.

Before my birthday is when everyone really starts to celebrate. On July 4th about a month before they have great big summer parties and cook out side and then at night they put some pretty lights in the sky called fireworks. Meowmie said they celebrate the coming of my birthday early. That is why my favortie summer holiday is my birthday. We will have lots of fun so when you see them pretty lights in the sky just whisper to me happy birthday and I will hear you because it is magic.


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Saturday, 03-May-2003 00:27:36 EDT