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Summer Holiday

By Jazmine Taylor

The 4th of July is always a fun holiday here! Our day starts by getting real tuna for breakfast!

Since daddy always works on the 4th of July, meowmie will sometimes go out with one of her friends. They'll go to a parade or to some of the holiday activities at the Mall. Daddy comes home early from work on the 4th of July and always brings us treats! His work always has a outdoor cook out for customers. He works at a car dealership so there are alot of customers to feed. When daddy comes home he always brings a little deboned chicken home for us.

Sometimes mom and daddy leave us and go to the Washington Monument Fireworks. I don't think he likes going because he always reminds mom how crowded it is and mommy always says it won't be as bad as the last time. When they come home late at night, daddy always grumbles about how crowded it was and how mom needs to remember this.

We're indoor cats so we never go outside. But, I'd like to remind those of you who do go outside to make sure your meowmie doesn't let you out on the 4th of July. It may be a pretty night but its also very dangerous especially to kitties and d*gs.

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Saturday, 03-May-2003 00:27:36 EDT