Special Musical Moments
by Dim Sim
OK, so this will sound furry strange to those of mew who are not, as we are in my household, big fans of Buffy. It's not so much a profound, deeply mewving experience, but it certainly impacted us! The Buffy mewsical episode, Once More With Feeling. It is our second fafurite episode efur, and it has some amazing songs in it. Our fafurite is Under Your Spell, which Tara sings to Willow, and it is furry beautiful. If only someone would sing that to our meowmie! We have the soundtrack fur it, and our meowmie always plays it in the car. It also has some beautiful music by composer Christophe Beck, who does all the Buffy music, including the piece Sacrifice, which is played at the end of Season 5 when Buffy kills herself to save the world. It is furry beautiful and furry sad. And there is also the lovfurly Buffy and Angel love theme, Close Your Eyes, though that's on the soundtrack. Anymews, we freely admit to being Buffy nuts in our household, so we just thought we'd share it with mew all! Our meowmie also has special songs fur each of us! We're not sure of the actual title or singers of my song, but it is the one that goes 'You're just to good to be true, can't take my eyes off of you...'. My meowmie sings it to me all the time and it makes me feel special because she doesn't sing it to my sisfurs, they have their own songs.