Music Fur Dancing

by Phelicity

I don't haf much real musical experience. I'm not allowed to go to concerts and I can't play any instruments. I don't notice music playing much, unless it's special. Like at Christmas time I luff to hear the Jingle Cats tape. It's kitties, singing Christmas carols! I get all excited, and I look all ofur fur those kitties. Mew know those big old stereo speakers that are so much fun to scratch... I mean to listen to? Ours are covered wif tablecloths fur some reason, so I dig under the cloths looking fur the singing kitties, but I nefur haf found them!

I do not sing. Not, not, not. My sisfur does enough of that, and she can shatter glass. My talent is dancing, and I like to watch it. The music that has touched me has been dancing music. First time I noticed they went together was when I saw Riverdance on a tape. Cause the dancing was fast and happy and made a lotta noise, so it caught my attention. And then I saw the Real Dancing.

Kitties dancing, or they looked like kitties anyway. And the word "Cats" was at the beginning. They were furry tall cats. but their movements were wonderfur, just like mine! Well, not quite as good. But I was so impressed, I sat on the coffee table and watched the whole thing. My mom was telling people about it fur months. I couldn't help it, those dancing Cats were mesmerizing. So I guess that was a real musical experience after all.
