Three Haikus

by Sage Lucinda BugBug

Harvest Moon

Great white orb rides high
In black diamond-studded sky
Harvest Moon shines bright.

Fall Constellation

Autumn sky wheels by
Look up! See Orion on
the east horizon.

Autumn Picture

Pumpkin patch is full
Autumn harvests gathered in
Hearth fires all aglow

And BugBug also wanted to share these poems that her sisfurs wrote:

These by Anemone Dawn

Old Cat

Today she walks slowly,
Nods graciously to her friends,
Then takes a long nap.


warm fires time is here-
I sleep curled up on the hearth
leaves tap on windows


tiny little feet
pitter paatter through my dreams -
in youth I chased them

And these are from BabyCat (who's gone ofur rainbow bridge...)

BabyCat's Meditation

I gaze with longing
at the empty street outside -
Meowmie's late tonight

The Collection

there they gather dust
in the back of the closet
a pile of stuffed mice

My Furriends I

Together there lies
in my heart a tear and a smile -
I must love them now
