Whitey's Story

by Whitey

An Ad: Goose,White, hatched
this spring,alive. $25.
No Sunday Calls.

Once, in my old life,when my persons threw me away to be a poor homeless stray,I wandered into a farm yard hoping to find something to eat. A big man came and looked at me and said'Oh ho, little one. And where do you come from?" He told me I was welcome to stay in his barn and I might even catch a mouse there.

I mewed my thanks and ran across the yard when all of a sudden a huge white thing came running at me. His neck was long and he had a fierce yellow beak and a hissing sound came from his long throat. I jumped and squealed and began to run - but that beast spread its wings and chased after me. I can't stay here I mewed to myself and ran out of that yard as fast as my little paws would carry me. Then today as I was perusing the Cat Column in our newspaper I saw this ad. "That must be the bad duck that chased me", I thought. Or maybe it's his brother. I certainly don't want my mama or papa to see THIS ad. Why they might bring that bad bird to live here in my house! I immediately destroyed that piece of paper. Later I heard my mama say,"What happened to the Ad section? It seems to be missing." -and I just chuckled to myself.
