How We Know It's Fall

by Phelicity

The first day of Fall at our house is always up to me! It isn't about the vernal equinox, or the calendar, or leaves turning colors, or shorter days or cooler nights, or the gas heat coming on here. None of that. It's about my tunnel bed.

I've had my tunnel bed since I was a kitten, 11 years ago. It's always been mine, all mine. No other cat in our house ever got in it but me. (one of them did pee on it to show their displeasure when I first came home to my family and got it. But it was washed well, and that dear kitty went to the Bridge long ago.) My tunnel bed is lavender, not blue. And I love all things blue. But I've loved that bed all my life.

The summer is too hot, even though the house is comfortable, for me to go sleep in my tunnel bed. It's a fall and winter bed. It stays on top of my mom's trunk in the corner of the bedroom all the time. It's little and round, on its side, so I can curl up in there all cozy. But I don't, until I decide it is Fall. Fall is tunnel bed time. So every year, my mom knows the first day of Fall has officially come, when she sees me go in my tunnel bed to sleep.

I just did last week. So Fall is here.
