Learning and Teaching
by Phelicity
I think learning is furry important, and we should continue learning new things all our lives. I still like to. But I can't think of anything left I would like to learn. That doesn't mean I know it all; it just means, if I don't know it, I don't know I don't know it. Also I believe teaching goes paw in paw with learning, and we should teach others what we have learned. That's what I like to do. I teach six classes in CLAW U College of Veterinary Science, and think it's furry important to have good teaching available so that other kitties can learn good things there.
But not everything is learned in school, and not everything can be taught. Some things take time, experience and observation. In time, I learned to overcome my shyness and be more outgoing. That's made me happy. With observation, I've learned furry useful things. Like how to outwit my sisfur occasionally (I'm not giving that away!) and which things get my mom's attention immediately when I want it. (Knocking stuff off her dresser was good, but I get the shortest response time if I sit in the bathtub and holler "Mowwwoww!" at the top of my lungs. I got purrty good lungs.) So that's made me happy, too.
Experience is a harder teacher. You don't always learn the first time, and it has to knock at you again. What you learn doesn't always make you happy. But it should make you wiser, at least. I've learned what and who to beware of, and what and who I can trust. Sometimes it's a case of "sadder but wiser."
So, as I do continue learning whatever surprises are out there for me to learn, I do hope they will all be happy ones. I hope all of yours will be, too.