Poem for August

by Servo

This morning I woke up at the normal time
You see I am trying to make this poem rhyme:)
I woke to discover that a cat was not
For a dog was I sleeping on my kitty cot

A small dog all painted in black and in white
Not a tux kitty I'd changed in the night!
A Boston Terrier I now was today
I thought for a moment and mewed out "no way"

But if I had to change from being a cat
to a Terrier name Boston..what's wrong with that?
For this little dog is as cute as can be
and my family still loves me cos I am STILL me

So if you wake up and you're no longer a cat
and you think it's a bad thing let those thoughts scat!
Because I would be happy in any old frame
I know that my family would love me the same:)
