Dog Days

by Playful

Well, I think d*g days must be the effect d*gs haf on us cats. Mew see d*gs chase us and this may or may not be good. That is the way it is wif these days in August. They are hot and that can be good or bad. If mew lif in a cold climate and this makes mew unhappy then mew would like these days. Now if mew lif in a hot or warm climate the chances are that the d*g days make mew miserable. Mew see where I am going with this? If mew like to tease d*gs and haf them chase mew cause this is fun, then d*gs are good. On the ofur paw, if mew do not like to haf d*gs chase mew then this is a bad thing.

Another reason the uncomfortable days of August are d*g days is that d*gs pant when they are hot. And this lets out their bad d*ggy breath. This makes efuryone around them uncomfortable. D*gs make us uncomfortable cause of their breath and their panting. August makes most of us uncomfortable cause it is too hot! So mew see the tie in. Hot d*gs means bad breath, panting and discomfort just like d*g days of summer.

And finally, August is the end of the summer months. It is at the tail end of summer, it follows the beginning and middle. The d*g days are following months. Especially named for this following habit which is what d*gs are. These days would nefur be known as cat days or even hooman days since cats and d*gs are not the followers that d*gs are.
