by Taurus, Luckie & Gizmo


Here ye! Here ye!

Do you all know that it is National Ice Cream Month?? Yippee sounds so yummy for our tummies don't you agree? Well, CLAW sure thinks it is great because they are having an Ice Cream Party! That's right kitties you heard it here first! Every kitty is going to bring there favorite flavor of ice cream along with whatever toppings they like and CLAW is putting it all together and having a big party! There will be balloons and games and prizes given too. CLAW will also be looking for the kitty who can create the most unique Ice Cream Sundae. A special prize will be given to that kitty. So come one, come all, and bring your kitty furriends and family too. There will be plenty for everyone to do and it will be such fun. We are sure looking forward to this party and all that yummy ice cream.
