Truckin' to Texas

by Mewsette

Last year my mom went to Texas.
So far that's okay, but you see,
It wasn't like other times she'd gone,
Cause last year she went and took me!

Oh, with wide-eyed consternation
I considered my run-out of luck,
When she opened the door and plopped me
Inside of a big green truck!

And truckin' to Texas I went last year,
For hours of howling in fright,
Till my lungs wore out and I sat in Mom's lap,
To watch out the window in light.

I saw a train! And a wide, wide river!
I saw a big arch of gold!
I saw it turn woodsy country out there,
When those highways were gettin' old.

At last we were there in Texas!
And I had seen so much stuff!
Truckin' to Texas was once in a lifetime.
Once in a lifetime's enough!
