My Mewmie's Workplace
by Sage Lucinda BugBug Milliken
My mewmie works at the Naval Base Ventura County in Port Hueneme, California. It is a lovely place which sits right on the shore along the beautifur Southern California coast. I thought I would tell mew a little bit about it, in case mew efur want to come fur a visit.The base is quite large, and covers many, many acres. There are large office buildings, and small, there are warehouses, and housing areas. There is an Officer’s Club, and an Enlisted Person’s Club, and a lovely food court. There is a day school, a library, a post office and a housing area. There is a dispensary, a movie theatre, and a baseball field. And a large lovely park, and a golf course. There is even a bowling alley and a laundermat. I bet mew didn’t know that a base could contain so many things.
Most of these are things that concern hewmins, and I think they are quite boring. However, the Officer’s Club does consider special mention, as it is a favfurite place of my Mewmie. The Club, which is considered the best Officer’s Club in the world, is located in a large Antebellum Mansion, the famous Thomas R. Bard Estate. Oh, kitties, I cannot tell mew how beautifur this place is. There is the original ballroom upstairs, and a lovely library down stairs. Many of the furnishings and pictures are original pieces owned by the Bards. The food is superb, from what our mewmie has told us. She likes to go and have lunch there every other week or so. She says they have yummy things, like Duck a l’Orange, and Lamb Chops. (BugBug smacks her lips.) I guess it is really a first class place, and I am glad mewmie can go there. She says the prices fur the buffet are furry reasonable for what mew get. Only $7.50 fur lunch. Mew. I am saving my pennies.
But the best part of the whole base is the dock area. There mew can see large grey Navy ships, and other ships, and small boats, and tug boats. Sometimes mewmie works on one of the piers. And that is one of her favfurite things to do, because she loves to look around at all the wildlife and nature.
As she stands on the pier, she can see Sea Lions, and Seals, and otters. Sometimes she can spot dolphins out at sea. And during the winter months, if one is furry patient, mew can even see whales migrating to warmer climes. If she stands quite still, the pier will fill up with dozens of birds. There are California Brown Pelicans, and lovely black Cormorants, and an amazing variety of seagulls. There are cute little sandpipers, and Snowy Egrets, and Greater and Lesser Herons. In the spring, one can even see an occasional Kingfisher. If she walks down along the rocks, she can spot lobsters, and crabs, and starfish and sea anemones. And in the ocean itself, she can see abalone, and bass, and halibut and rockfish. She says that sometimes mama ducks waddle along with their broods of baby ducks following them. She got a lovely picture of them one day.
Well, as mew can see, there are many and varied things to see and do around here. If mew efur come this way, I would be happy to take mew fur a tour.