Kitty Job
by Playful
Well, one of the ones I know about is cat actors. And one of my favorites is Salem on the TV show, Sabrina, The Teenage Witch. But the talking cat is not really a cat…he is cute, though, isn’t he? Anymews, the cat that talks is a puppet and the voice is that of a hooman. But he sure does portray the disposition of a cat. And I think he serves as a good will ambassadors fur cats even if he is very selfish and superficial. Those traits just make him infuresting! Anymews, when the chips are down, he always come through for his hoomans. Ok, ok. Still that is not a REAL cat, and we are not going to get philosophical here and discuss what is real and what isn’t, so I will mew about the cats that are real. I just want to go off topic and say that maybe someone who was never thinking of getting a cat will get one because of this cat publicity.The action in the show is done by REAL cats. And when mew see Sabrina holding a cat, that is a real cat, Elvis. He is the only cat of the cat actors that can be picked up for any length of time so he is the cat that I say is a good example of a working cat. In case mew do not know, being on the set of a TV or movie shoot can be exhausting. Mew haf to be groomed. The hours are long and mew haf to follow commands…and sometimes mew are not efen fed on time.
So there is the job.