My Job Interview
by Mewsette
Sign seen posted in a Beauty Parlor window:
WANTED: Feline BeauticianGood afternoon. My name is M. Mewsette Chantoo. I see that you need a Feline Beautician, and I'd like to apply for the job.
Experience? Oh my, yes, 17 years of experience in grooming and cleaning kitty fur; my own and my late mama's. You can see that I keep my own long, gorgeous fur in perfect order and beautifully styled. This is not easy! It takes great expertise.
What have I Done before? Well, I'm a lady of maturity and many talents. My job history has been quite varied and satisfying. I have worked as a fashion model, as you may surmise from my tall, slim figure. I have had a glorious career as an opera singer, and I've been an actress. You may have seen my performance of Blanche DuBois on the stage? Yes, that was I. I've been an active Catsumer Advocate of late. Oh yes, quite fulfilling. I'm very persuasive and I never give up. I always made the longest speeches. In my youth, I also did exciting work, such as being a Safari Guide. So my work experience has been quite well-rounded.
What do I know about feline beauty concerns? Everything. I know how to deal with kitty fur that kinks and curls, that sheds and flies around in the air, and most important, I know how to deal with mats. I am also an expert manicurist, taking care to trim only the sharp points of the claws. I take particular care with delicate ears, long tails and small toes. I can bathe and groom anything, even a human arm. I know I possess the qualities for a position in the beauty business, and I have impeccable taste. You will not find a more gifted purveyer of beauty than I.
So...., do I have the job? You're looking for what as well? A Manager? But of course I accept. Thank you.