An Elegant Flower, the Magnolia
~^..^~ by Mewsette
There are lots of flowers I like, especially wild lilies that grow in the mountains, but I think if I chose one favorite, it would be Magnolias. Magnolias are huge, fragrant flowers that grow on wide, tall trees with big waxy leaves, in the South. They start blooming in June, when it gets really hot. I saw them in Texas when I was young.The flowers are sometimes as big as a dinner plate! That's a lot bigger than my cat dish. They are a soft, creamy white and feel velvety to touch. A few big magnolias will fall to the ground, sometimes still fresh and white, or sometimes not until they're old and browning. The fresh ones smell just heavenly, like a potent perfume.
We've had mimosa trees, too, and those are very beautiful when they bloom all pink and feathery a little earlier. The banches hang low, so humans can gather a bunch fur a bouquet if they want to. But they forget how purrty they were later in the year when the trees drop all the dead ones and pods and make a big mess they have to clean up.
Magnolias never make a mess. I always thought magnolias were the most elegant flowers I ever saw!