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My hopes and wishes for the coming year ...

by Maggie

I always hope and wish for all animals to be kept safe and for all animals to have nice homes. I wish that all animal abuse would STOP!

Listening to hoomans talk, this world of ours has lots of troubles right now. I wish that all the troubles of this world would end and we could have peace. No wars going on and none of those terrible things that I hear about on the talking box.

We need to be kind and love one another. I wish that everyone would understand that even us pets feel. I also wish for lots of food and catnip. I hope my family will stay healthy so they can work and be able to feed me. I love my food. I hope that my brother Levi doesn't get sick this year and that we can get along and he will not eat my share of the food. I am younger than he so I need it more. I wish for more toys and a few lizards to chase. A frog would be nice too.

I wish for peace among us CLAW kitties and love. I hope we always get along and help each other. That is why we are so special.

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Tuesday, 29-Apr-2003 19:46:48 EDT