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Welcome to the year 2003
by SassyJazmine
Welcome to the year 2003. I can remember when we were
all getting ready to ring in the new year 2000. How
excited and scared everyone was. The computers will
crash, the world will end as we know it, goodness
humans were raising a fuss weren't they. But things
just kept perking along and here we are at 2003.
This is a new year, we will have new experiences, new
problems, new challenges. Such as, "How can I come up
with new ways to get Meowmie to give me more Kitty
Kisser Treats" or "How can I hide under the bed and
clutch Meowmie at the same time when it thunders".
These are some of the challenges that I will face in
the new year. What are some of yours?
I'll let you know when I come up with a solution to my
bigger problems, in the meantime, Happy New Year
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Tuesday, 29-Apr-2003 19:48:40 EDT