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My Resolutions for 2003
by Henri of Twin Brook
During the past year, I have not always been as kind as I might have been
to a certain pussycat who just happens to share my home. I am speaking of
course about Sidney.
Although many aspects of his pussinality can be
irritating , I realize that no cat can be perfect.....We can try and might
even come close to complete goodness, but the essence of our catdom denies
total perfection. Even my beloved Desdemona, famous cat author, had on
occasion demonstrated a certain haughtiness and superiority concerning her
considerable talents, as writer and photographer. Although she was very
gifted, I realized that there were other members of our cat society who
might very well possess equal or even perhaps, greater skills. I, of
course, being the cat that I am, never shared that thought with my
housemate, lest I be the recipient of her near-lethal paw!
I will try, this year, to become the near-perfect cat. I shall no longer
rouse Sidney from sleep and drag him by his tail, out onto the deck to
me with my photography. I shall convey my wishes to him with soft meows
and purrs and then if he does not respond in a positive manner, I shall
then drag him by his tail out onto the deck.......I think that is a more
reasonable approach....
I will advise my persons to give more money to the cat shelters and spend
more money on decent food for the cats in our neighborhood who are without
shelter.. I shall implore them to put softer bedding in the "green house"
which was built by my male person for the purpose of housing the homeless
feline, when the weather becomes inclement. I might even convince my
persons to buy a new leather couch, like the one I love so much, which
placed near the window so Helen and I can look out on the street and lawn
and watch the birds and squirrels.....
I could go on and on with my resolutions for the new year, but I have
light headed with my goodness.
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Tuesday, 29-Apr-2003 19:45:16 EDT