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The year ahead

by Twinkles

I have been thinking and thinking about the year ahead, or actually it is already here, today is Jan 4th - and trying to think what the future holds and what I wish it held.

The problem with wishes is that they are just that, kitties and humans make wishes, but unless we take some action to influence the future, nothing at will change. I mean to change things for the better, if only a little tiny bit.

I wished more kitties had homes, and so I have decided to share mine with a kitty who has become homeless. He is a very independent sort of kitty who comes and goes as he chooses, but let me introduce you to 'Figarro', a huge black male cat who shares my kitty food and takes over the nice big chair in the front room when he wants to nap. He refuses to become an indoor kitty like I am, unfortunately, but that is what I have done to help the homeless kitties of the world. I know it isn't a BIG thing, not to the big outside world, and it will help just one kitty, but it is a small step in the right direction.

My wish for the future is that any kitty who reads this will take just one step, however tiny, as mine is, towards actually setting in motion whatever their wish for the world this year might be. I wish all kitties a wonderful, happy, healthy and prosperous New Year.

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Tuesday, 29-Apr-2003 19:46:48 EDT