Ode to a Laboratory Rat
by Tiddler
How can we do to you, young rat,
The things that we endevour?
We feed you drugs and watch you squirm,
Does science make us clever?
Why do we think your life is cheap,
Less valuable than ours?
It seems so sad that you won't see
The sunshine and the showers.
A fearsome little creature,
Whose appearance makes some cringe
But what an inadequate reason
To inflict on you the syringe.
Born in a cage,
Then kept apart from creatures of your ilk.
No other rat has shared your life
Since you last tasted mother's milk.
When you approach us, do we see
Your vain hope for affection?
We pick you up, but you little know
We are looking for infection.
Dear rat, you can never know
What benefit you bring.
To you, it could not make sense
And it leaves me wondering.