The Great Capybara
by Whitey
The Great Capybara, or Hydrochoerus hydrochaeris, is found in many parts of South America and is the largest of the 1,729 species of rodents. It looks like a cross between a Guinea Pig and a Hippopotamus with a large snout, small tail and ears and partly webbed feet. Its coat ranges from shaggy to short and coarse. The average Capybara is 4' long and 21'' high and may live for ten years. He is semi-aquatic and lives in large groups along the river banks. He grazes on grasses and vegetation and will bask in the sun but feels safest in the water. His main enemies are the Jaguar and the Puma. During Lent,the Capybara may be 'harvested' and eaten in Venezuela as a great delicacy. He is a very friendly animal and quite vocal and not usually considered as food.
If you want to know more about this friendly creature, go to the Capybara Home Page. There you will find lists of the many zoos where he can be found and other interesting things. You can even buy Capybara earings or join a Capybara club!