A Groundhog's Story
by Fern
Every winter, all winter my family just relaxes in our burrow. Each of us finds different ways to pass the time. My brother loves to dig extensions to our home and names them after famous rodents. His last tunnel was called The Mickey Mouse. My sister enjoys pottery and makes use of that dirt my brother kicks back as he digs. My mother enjoys being a mother and all that entails while my father is the greatest storyteller of all time. Just before falling asleep we lie around on our straw beds and my dad tells us one of his famous stories. I love the ones about Rocky, the flying squirrel, and Stuart Little, but my favorite of all is about the rats of NIMH. It just boggles my mind that there are famous rodents who can do remarkable things. I mean, here I am, your common rodent, who has never done anything remarkable. Even my brother and sister have talents. Oh! How I despair of ever finding what special gift I have been given. My parents are very supportive and say things to make me feel better like how generous I am and how helpful around the house but, I mean, really! When the weather seems warm enough my mom makes us venture to savor the sunlight. She believes we need lots of fresh air after being holed up all winter. I, however, am never quite sure she’s right. When I first hazard out it is so cold I can hardly feel my paws. I try to run back in but mom always blocks the entrance knowing I’d be back inside living the life of a mole if I could. My brother and sister wander around, sniffing the air and checking for new shoots. I do envy their adventurousness but I have this thing about frozen feet. If anyone were to ask my opinion, I‘d tell the whole family they push spring much too early. I’ve always has this sixth sense about the weather but being insistent only annoys my mom. She thinks I’m just making excuses.
Two years ago something very strange happened to me, and I’m still reeling from the event. My family hasn’t quite decided how to handle all this, but I’m not worried. They are my family after all. Well, here’s the story as it actually happened. You are the first animals outside the rodent family I’ve told so I’m a little nervous. Please bear with me.
That morning dawned chilly, dark and cold. For some reason my mother believed she smelled spring and thought it would be a great day for us to go outside. I, of course, thought the whole idea was crazy but didn’t dare say so out loud. I began to get ready to be exposed to the elements by looking for my mittens and my boots (I know this part may seem a stretch to you but have you forgotten the three little kittens?). I couldn’t find anything and then remembered my brother had borrowed my boots and had left them just outside our hole. I poked my head out just a bit but couldn’t see them. I gingerly walked out just a little bit more but then all of a sudden heard the most frightful noise. Lights started blinking at me, and, to be truthful, I was more than just a little scared. I looked around and ran back inside our burrow as fast as my four feet could carry me.
My mother wanted to know what had happened, and I told the story between gasps of breath. I told her that for some reason there were people out there and they were blinking lights at me and making loud noises by laughing and banging their paws together. My mom comforted me and told me everything would be all right. I was safe with her now. There is no way you’re getting me back out there was all I kept telling my mom, and, for once, she agreed. She promised I could stay in until it got warmer. I claimed it would be months but mom talked me down to about another six weeks or so.
I guess you can probably figure out the rest of the story. I have become a living legend and, better yet, I have found my talent or at least had my talent thrust upon me. Yes, you, my astute audience have guessed my identity. My mother calls me Philip but to the rest of the world I’m just Phil. I predict whether or not we will have six more weeks of winter. I even have my own special occasion, Groundhog Day. But now only you and my family know it was just a giant accident, and I ran inside because I was scared. It had nothing to do with my shadow. Not only did I not look for one, but the thought never even crossed my mind in all that rush. Well now that the story' s been told I hope I didn't disillusion you.
Well, thanks for hearing my tale, but I do have one request. Please keep it between us as I have a reputation to maintain.