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The Storm
by Luckie
June through November is a very bad time of year where I live. The rains
come quite often and quite hard. Well I must tell you about these poor
friends of mine who went through some hair raising experiences right along
with me.
My friend Sparky who lives just down the street is always outside running
around and barking and having a good time. Although he is a dog and I am a
cat we get along real well. Surprising isn't it? Let me tell you there was
one particular day when Sparky nor I were very happy or having a good
It was a usual warm, summer day when Sparky and I were doing our usual
hanging around when suddenly later that afternoon the skies began to get
gray. We didn't think much about it because we were used to the rainy
season and the storms we had everyday. They usually didn't last long and
before you knew it things were back to normal. Anyway, this particular
storm didn't stop and we realized it was getting worse and worse. Things
were so bad that lightning and thunder was all around us. We had one
particular problem however, our humans were not around and we had no place
to seek cover. Sparky and I became really scared. Sparky started with his
nervous barking and I tried to be the calm one. We went searching all over
the neighborhood for some safe shelter dodging thunder and lightning at
every turn.
Finally a few blocks away we found one of the neighbors had left the
garage open. Sparky and I ran into the garage when low and behold guess
what we saw? A MOUSE!!!! I was stunned and so was the mouse. Neither of us
really knew what to do. Sparky held me back so I didn't do anything
foolish and the mouse ran to a corner.
Needless to say we all realized we were all trapped together whether we
liked it or not and we all needed to get along and not do anything
foolish. We kept our distance and continued to glare at each other.
Finally a few hours later thank heavens the storm passed. Sparky and I
were sure glad to be out of that garage. That Mouse ran like the dickens
as soon as he realized the coast was clear and we never saw him again
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Saturday, 03-May-2003 00:23:59 EDT