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Lone Star Cat

by BlackJack

I am a Lone Star cat, living in the great state of Texas, and I am also a native Texan, and native San Antonian. I live in San Antonio, also known as the Alamo City, and it is located in the heart of Texas.

San Antonio is a multi-cultural city, having a large Hispanic population, and there are many fun activities here.

In April, there is a celebration known as Fiesta, where there is food galore, and parades and just tons of fun! Then in June, there is another multi-cultural celebration known as Texas Folklife Festival, where all the various cultures that are present in Texas come together in a wonderful celebration with food from those countries, dances, exhibitions and all manner of things from the various cultures that are in Texas. I like all the various foods here, tortillas and pinto beans included! There are lots of things to do here, and it is a fun city to live in. I am proud to be a native San Antonian and a Lone Star cat!

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Saturday, 03-May-2003 00:23:59 EDT