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The Storm

by Nikki and Nichie

There was once a pup named Heidi and a kitty named Christofur who lived in a home in South Florida. Within that home was a mouse that resided in the wall, called Wally. Yes Wally - (not Wall-ie!)

One night the thunder starting making such a loud clap and the lightening was sparking in all directions! What a clatter. And of course, the lightening hit a pole, and out went the lights!

In the dark, Heidi and Christofur sat waiting for their meowmy to come with the candles so they could see. It was much too dark - being night time and they didn't want to move around and possibly walk into a piece of furniture scattered all over. So they decided to sit still and wait.

While meowmy was hunting for her candles, out came Wally to see if there was any food around to steal. Although he didn't see any better in the dark than Heidi and Christofur, he did stumble upon the water dish and slipped in getting quite wet. But, he thought, the food dish should be close and low and behold it was. So he hurried to eat the food while the coast was clear and ate so much his belly was bulging! Meowmy started coming back with the candles ready to light them and Wally knew he had to scat, fast! He almost didn't make it back within his mouse hole because his stomach was so bloated from all he ate. He pushed and squeased in until he made in inside just before the candles were lit to give him away!

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Saturday, 03-May-2003 00:23:59 EDT