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The story story

by Maggie

It was a nice bright sunny day as I snuggled in my basket for a little cat nap. I was having a nice dream when all of a sudden a funny smell woke me up. I opened my pretty eyes and Oh My! A smelly d*g was standing there looking at me.

What a funny looking d*g this was. And he was wet and smelly. It was no longer bright and sunny in my room so I got up to look out the window.

Well no wonder that d*g was wet and smelly a terrible storm was going on and believe it or not but much to my surprise I happened to see a mouse getting all wet in the rain. Now I did feel sorry for the mouse so I sent the smelly d*g out to get it.

Well now what was I suppose to do with Smelly and mousie in this big storm? I decided to light a candle because the lights were going out and we all went and sat in the kitchen. I gave mousie some cheese and Smelly some water and left over meat loaf I found in the fridge. As I snacked on my tuna a loud thunder and lightning sounded. We jumped so high and all snuggled together till it was over.

I know what you are thinking, a cat isn't suppose to get along with a dog and mouse but this is my dream, I mean story so just sit and listen to the ending.

Well, the storm was coming to an end and I remember my Meowmie comming in and telling me how proud she was of her little kitty girl for being soooo nice to Smelly and Mousie. I know I'm the bestest kitty girl of all and Meowmie gave me my dinner in a crystal glass just like the t.v. kitty.

And then my eyes were open and I was looking around. It was bright and sunny again and no sign of rain at all. The only thing is there was this smell I couldn't forget! Was it a dream or was it? We may never know for sure. But if it was just a dream I hope that I would really be that nice to a smelly d*g and a silly mouse for real because I'm the bestest kitty girl of all. Just ask my Meowmie.


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Saturday, 03-May-2003 00:25:47 EDT